
Salesperson: What can I do for you?John's Mum: I want to buy a gift for my son. Saturday is his birthday. Salesperson: How about this cap?John's Mum: How much is it?Salesperson: It's 100 yuan. John's Mum: It's too expensive. These T-shirts look nice too. Salesperson: Yes. Which T-shirt do you like, the blue one or the white one?John's Mum: I like the white one. Salesperson: The T-shirt is cheap. It's only 25 yuan. John's Mum: OK. I'll take it.【1】John's birthday is on ________.【2】John's mum doesn't buy the ________. Because it's too expensive.【3】These T-­shirts look ________.【4 下列句子中没有语病的一项是 [  ] A. 后金融危机时代,欧洲一些国家如希腊,由于债务危机已经导致债务负担出现不断加剧的趋势,使国家主权风险迅速提高。 B. 在全国产品质量和食品安全专项整治工作电视电话会议上,国务院副总理吴仪明确表示,要禁止取缔以公众人物、专家名义证明疗效的药品广告。 C. 幸福是一个人在一定的社会关系中,对生活产生的种种愉快、欣慰的感受,以及对人生意义的理解和评价。 D. 数字化的生存状态、交互性的网络特点,使当代青年的文化需求更具个性。尊重学生的个性差异,就应将教育选择的“遥控器”交给学生,让学生在学习中收获乐趣。
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