
明朝时期官吏战战兢兢,老百姓提心吊胆,这是以下哪个机构的设置所产生的后果?A. 三省六部制B. 三司C. 行省制D. 厂卫特务机构 答案:【答案】D【解析】本题考查的是明朝君主专制的强化。明朝时期官吏战战兢兢,老百姓提心吊胆,这是厂卫特务机构的设置所产生的后果,故选D。 V.Spelling (5 points) 76. My grandpa is e______________ for sports, and he usually devotes half of his spare time to participating in various activities. 77. The s________ economic growth somewhat reflects the stability of the state. 78. She answered all my questions with her usual h________. 79. The money r______ by the singers was sent to the people in the flooded areas. 80. Showing t_________ is very important because it means that people will have fewer fights and argument. 81. My family were all _________ (反对) to spending the summer holiday in Shanghai. 82. It is like an underground city, ________ (占) an area of more than 20 football pitches. 83. It was built there so that _________(方便的) for everyone to get to 84. Some countries e________ to substitute their flags with tricolor flags, after the French. 85. People are becoming more and more a_______ of the need to preserve the world’s cultural heritage.
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