
Scientists have been studying Antarctica for over a century, but details as basic as what it looks like beneath all that ice have largely remained a mystery. Now, Earther reports that a team of scientists from Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and the UK has published the most detailed data yet on the continent's subglacial topography (冰川下的地形)near the South Pole.As they report in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, central Antarctica is home to three large canyons (峡谷), one of which is deeper than the Grand Canyon and nearly as wide at some points. The researchers依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的是(  )(3分)随着人们生活的改善,玉器收藏的     越来越盛,人们不仅喜欢佩戴、把玩玉器,还把玉器收藏作为一项投资。一些玉器商人掌握了人们的这种心理,大量仿制古玉器,    玉器收藏爱好者,以达到谋取暴利的目的,         造成了目前玉器市场       的局面。A.风气蒙骗因而鱼目混珠B.风俗蒙骗进而鱼龙混杂C.风俗诱骗进而鱼目混珠D.风气诱骗因而鱼龙混杂
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