
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always looked up to my elder brother. No matter how old I am, I’ve always seen myself copying every small thing that he does. I play the video games that he plays, I copy his hairstyle, and I eat the type of food that he eats.My brother is like a superhero in my eyes. He was a straight A student at high school as well as the captain of the school soccer team. It’s been difficult trying to live up to the expectations that were set by my brother, but whether consciously (有意识地) or not, I’ll always try to be like him. He motivates (激发) me lik3.美国前国务卿杜勒斯说,如果亚非国家养成一种在西方缺席的情况下经常开会的习惯,由于有众多的人口,印度和中国无疑将控制局面,这可能最终形成一个反对西方的集团。杜勒斯所指的这次会议(  )A.首先倡导了和平共处五项原则B.促进了印度支那问题的和平解决C.体现了“求同存异”的合作精神D.恢复了中国在联合国的合法席位
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