
London Tours and CruisesExplore London with these top London tours to see the city from a different perspective. With the London Pass you can enjoy all of the below tours for free, so whether it is by land. water or on two feet, there are plenty of ways to get around and see the capital. From guided tours to walking tours, you’ll experience the sights like never before.Hop-On Hop-Off Bus TourDrive through the streets of London on an iconic hop on hop off bus tour. It’s one of the best ways to see the sights and with a choice of three routes around the city you’re guaranteed to see all th3.氧气是一种化学性质比较活泼的气体,它可以和许多物质发生反应(1)下述三个反应的相同点是ABD(多选,填序号).A都是化合反应  B都是氧化反应   C 生成物都是固体  D都需要点燃   E都是非金属与氧气反应(2)在做甲、丙两个实验时,事先都需在集气瓶底部装有少量水,其作用分别是:甲防止熔化物溅落到瓶底,炸裂瓶底,丙吸收生成的气体,避免污染空气.(3)将装置乙改装为如图所示装置,还可用于测定空气中氧气的体积分数.反应的化学方程式是4P+5O2$\frac{\underline{\;点燃\;}}{\;}$2P2O5.经测定,集气瓶的容积为250mL,在此实验中,观察到量筒中减少的水的体积为50mL,则空气中氧气的体积分数为20%.在保证整个装置不漏气的前提下,所用红磷的量必须足量,如果未冷却到室温便打开弹簧夹观察量筒内减少的水的体积,则实验结果将(填偏大、偏小或不变)偏小.实验完毕后,集气瓶内残余的气体主要是N2(填化学符号).反思此实验的探究过程,用燃烧法测定空气中氧气含量的实验时,在药品的选择或生成物的要求上应考虑的是生成物是固体(答一条)
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