
If you look closely around your city, you might see hanfu, the traditional clothing of the Han ethnic group (汉族). In a report by online shopping platform (线上购物平台) Tmall, more than 2 million hanfu outfits were sold in 2018. The average age of buyers was 21, with about 52 percent between 19 and 24 years old.Why has this traditional clothing become popular among young Chinese people?For some of them, it's a costume (服装) for relaxation. Other young people like hanfu because of the culture behind it. They think it as a way to reconnect with traditions.What's behind hanfu is inhe下列有关我国面积最大的省级行政区的说法中正确的有 ①属温带季风气候,降水季节变化大   ②是少数民族的聚居地,主要少数民族有维吾尔族、哈萨克族等 ③与俄罗斯、哈萨克、塔吉克等八个国家相邻,是我国邻国最多的省区   ④地形以山地和盆地为主,可以概括为“三山夹两盆”⑤农业以畜牧业为主,种植业中以种植小麦、玉米和棉花为主  ⑥由于水资源短缺,所以当地着重发展灌溉农业和绿洲农业 ⑦本地区资源丰富,尤以石油和天然气为重   ⑧当地铁路、公路、水运等交通发达.A.①②⑤⑦⑧B.①③④⑥⑧C.②③④⑥⑦D.③④⑤⑦⑧
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