
(一)吉他是小科最喜欢的乐器,它有六根粗细不同的琴弦。小科在演奏的时候通过拨动琴弦让吉他发出悦耳的声音。瞧,小科正在开个人音乐会呢! (1) 演奏前小科会先调节琴弦的松紧程度,他这么做的主要目的是( ) 。 A . 调节琴发出声音的强弱 B . 调节琴发出声音的高低 C . 缓解紧张的心情 (2) 美妙的琴声通过( )传到人们的耳朵内。 A . 空气 B . 大地 C . 琴弦 (3) 如果用同样的力气,拨动相同长度的6根琴弦,其中( )号琴弦 There is a big park near my home. It is big and beautiful. In the park, there are many  36  and trees. In spring, when flowers come out (开放) , the park looks very beautiful. People all like to  37  there. In the morning, many people take exercise there. Students like to  38  books there. After  39  , people like to take a walk there with their friends or families. There are many benches (长椅) for people to sit on when they  40  tired .Today is Sunday. There are many  41  in the park. Jim and his friends chat  42  the big tree. Lucy and Lily walk and talk about  43  interesting film. There is a lake  44  the park. Some children swim in the lake, and others fish there. They all have a 45  time.【小题1】A.booksB.flowersC.foodD.water【小题2】A.eatB.workC.playD.sleep【小题3】A.readB.sayC.tellD.talk【小题4】A.breakfastB.the lunchC.a supperD.supper【小题5】A.amB.areC.isD.be【小题6】A.childB.childsC.childrensD.children【小题7】A.toB.onC.underD.from【小题8】A.aB.anC.theD.any【小题9】A.in the middle ofB.in middle ofC.at the frontD.over【小题10】A.wellB.badC.goodD.sad
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