
A gift card is a card that is issued(发行) by a store.These cards are big money makers for stores.One reason is that when gift-card holders go to the store,they often see other things to buy,and they spend more money than the gift card is worth.Unused cards are another reason.Stores make millions of dollars because large numbers of people never use their cards.They either lose them,forget about them,or decide that it's not worth the effort. Gift card are becoming very popular in many countries around the world.In the US,they are one of the most popular kinds of gifts.Why?People love the conv祥符①,禁火②。时丁晋公③主营复宫室,患取土远,公乃令凿通衢...|||| (月考高频题)阅读下文,完成下题。   祥符①,禁火②。时丁晋公③主营复宫室,患取土远,公乃令凿通衢④取土,不日皆成巨堑。⑤乃决汴水下堑中,引诸道竹木排筏及(船)运杂材,尽自堑中入至宫门。事毕,却以弃瓦砾灰壤实于堑中,复为街衢。一举而三役济,计省费以亿万计。 (选自《梦溪笔谈选读》)   [注]①祥符:即大中祥符,宋朝真宗的年号。②禁火:禁中失火。禁中是皇帝住的地方。③丁晋公:丁谓,做过宰相。④通衢(q*):四通八达的道路。⑤堑(qi4n):壕沟。 1.解释下列加粗词语。 (1)患取土远______________________ (2)乃决汴水入堑中________________ (3)尽自堑中入至宫门______________ (4)却以弃瓦砾灰壤实于堑中________ 2.翻译下列句子。 (1)公乃令凿通衢取土。 ________________ (2)时丁晋公主营复宫室。 ________________ 3.简答。 (1)“一举而三役济”中“一举”指什么?“三役”又指什么? ________________ (2)丁晋公营复宫室的策略带来了怎样的效益? ________________
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