
阅读下面图文,简要回答所给问题。Are you happy? Perhaps some of you will say “no”. In fact, being a teenager is hard. You may worry about a lot of things in your life.Do you know what British teenagers worry about most? You can find the answer from the chart below. The research was done by the UK's Department of Health among more than 100,000 teenagers. Here are the results.Many Chinese teenagers share similar worries with the British teenagers. A recent research shows that many Chinese teenagers suffer from social life, study and emotional problems.To solve the problems, 赫鲁晓夫是苏联社会主义历史上最早打出改革大旗的人。苏联赫鲁晓夫改革最终归于失败的根本原因是A.高度集中的旧体制根深蒂固B.批判斯大林造成国内思想混乱C.个人作风缺乏实事求是D.急躁冒进,脱离实际的口号目标
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