
以下古人类最早可能享受米饭的是( )A. 北京人 B. 山顶洞人 C. 半坡居民 D. 河姆渡居民 答案:【答案】D【解析】依据所学知识可知,我国河姆渡居民时期是最早种植水稻的原始居民。AB项还处于原始人类社会时期,没有进入农耕文明时期,不会种植农业;C项种植的农作物是粟。故选D。Confidence:you’ve either got it or you haven’t, right? Wrong.Most people learn confidence as they go through life. Even if you are shaking like a leaf on the inside, you’ll make a lasting impression if you can come across as confident.Here are some confidence-building tips: Fake(伪造) it! If you can pretend that       when you don’t and keep on doing so, your fake confidence will soon turn into real confidence.It only takes a few repetitions of an activity for it to become a habit—so get in the habit of faking self-belief. Think it.For an instant encouragement to yourself-esteem(自尊心), recall three things that give you positive emotions.It could be a great compliment(称赞)somebody paid you, a special time when you felt happy and popular, or when you really excelled(超过别人)at something.Bring them to mind will help you to feel good instantly—and when you feel good, you have greater confidence. Focus it.Difficult situations, such as interviews or new jobs, can make you feel shy.If you're feeling anxious about yourself, stop thinking about you and focus on something else.It could be that you focus on something normal, like the view out of the window, or that you pay more attention to the task at hand—getting the job! Either way, you’ll feel less awkward. Talk it.If you keep telling yourself that you’re no good at something, you’ll start to believe it.Next time you blame yourself, ask yourself whether you’d talk to your friends like that:So quit being negative and start recognizing and appreciating the things you are good at. Walk it.Great posture(姿势) can signal great confidence.Walk with a purposeful stride(大踏步), walk with your back straight and with your head held up high! 1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words) 2.Please fill in the blank in the 3 rd paragraph with proper words.(Please answer within 10 words.) 3.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? By trying to appear confident, you can make others always consider you confident though you are actually far from that. 4.Which of the tips given in the passage will work best with you? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.) 5.Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.
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