
Ahmadi was a five-year-old boy. He loved playing soccer. His favorite soccer star was Messi.One day he woke up in the middle of the night. He started crying. He said to his dad, I just dreamed of Messi, can I have a T-shirt of him and go to see him?Sorry, my son, we're living in a poor village far from the city. Our family has no money. I have no ways to get you the T-shirt. his dad answered. Ahmadi kept crying for days. He still asked for the T-shirt. His brother thought of an idea. He made a T-shirt with the plastic (塑料) bag. On the back of the T-shirt, he wrote Messi 10. Ahmadi wore the2008年9月19日,“中国改革开放与日本”论坛在北京举行,讨论今后中日经济合作发展的前景。历史上中日两国很早就有密切联系。下列叙述正确的是(  )A.日本特产檀弓、果下马输入中国B.汉武帝时朝鲜半岛国家通过日本“使译通于汉”C.东汉光武帝赐给日本“汉委奴国王”金印D.两汉时期,日本“嫁娶以礼”,语言、称谓与汉相似
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