
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Many people experiencefeelings of sadness, and depression in winter.Make a planThe winter months can oftenseem quite dull, many of us spending the majority of our time indoors. A goodway to get rid of this feeling is to break out of your routine and createsomething to look forward to. Whatever your plan, makesure it is something you feel excited.Get creative about fitnessHowever, many of us find our workout routinetakes a hit when the cold weather sets in. To stay inspired to exercise, trysearching for somet19、2008年9月以来,中国人民银行多次下调人民币贷款基准利率和金融机构人民币存款准备金率。存贷款利率下调对经济发展的影响是 ①减轻企业负担,保持投资稳定增长              ②储户的实际收益减少 ③刺激消费,扩大内需                                ④有利于经济平稳较快发展 A.①②③               B.②③④               C.①②④              D.①③④
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