
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The coronavirus outbreak has now infected more than 334,000 across 189 countries according 【1】the World Health Organization, with over 14,600 【2】(die) linked to it.Japan and the International Olympic Committee last Tuesday agreed 【3】 (postpone) the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games for a year because of the pandemic. On the same day, 59 new cases 【4】(report) in Japan, taking the total to 1199. And Tokyo saw 17 new cases, the biggest rise in infection numbers since the outbreak 【5】 (begin).C下列说法正确的是A. 在国际单位制中,“牛顿”是力学的三个基本单位之一B. 选择不同的参考系对同一运动的描述是相同的C. 时间、质量和路程都是标量,位移、速度和力都是矢量D. 小球做自由落体运动时,速度不断增大,惯性也不断增大
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