
第四节:听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。【1】Where is Willis Tower located?A.In Chicago. B.In New York.C.In Seattle.【2】What’s the height of Willis Tower?A.1,080 feet. B.1,145 feet.C.1,451 feet.【3】How long did it take to build the building?A.About two years. B.About four years.C.About six years.【4】Who climbed Willis Tower in 1981?A.Dan Goodwin. B.Will Johnsons.C.Alain Robert.【5】Where has the building appeared?A.In building shows.B.In movies.C.In dictionaries.如图是简易天文望远镜内部结构.远处的物体经过物镜成一个倒立、       的实像,落在目镜                    的位置,这个实像经过目镜成一个正立、放大的虚像.如果你想制作简易天文望远镜,没有现成的透镜,可以选用合适的       (选填“近视”或“远视”)镜片来代替.
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