
“百千家似围棋局,十二街如种菜畦”是诗人白居易对唐都长安城布局的描写。从这一诗句中我们可以提炼的有效信息是( )①长安人口众多 ②长安城内分为市和坊 ③长安街道整齐划一 ④长安是各民族交往的中心A. ②③ B. ②④C. ①③ D. ①④ 答案:【答案】C【解析】依据题干“百千家似围棋局,十二街如种菜畦”,“百千家似围棋局”唐都长安城有很多人家居住,密密麻麻像围棋,反映了长安城内人口众多;“十二街如种菜畦”说唐都长安街道像菜畦,布局整齐划一。①③正确,C项符合题意;长安城内分为市和坊、长安是各民族交往的中心都  根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词) 1.She bought many________________(手帕) in the shop.                     2.Smoking is ____________(禁止) in public places. 3.His suggestion sounds quite ______________(合情理的) to most of us. 4.The government will not______________(犹豫)to take severest measures against any terrorists. 5.Though she graduated from a famous university, she is short of______________(实践的)experience. 6.The books in the library are______________(分类) according to subject. 7.The cushion is filled with______________(羽毛) . 8.He was forced to_____________(退休)early because of ill health. 9._______________(显然地) he is an honest boy and never tells lies. 10.They knocked me down and_____________(抢劫) me of my wallet.
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