
阅读理解。Hello, everyone! I’m Lanlan. I’d like to tell you something about my English learning. I started to learn English three years ago. Mr. Liu is my English teacher. I read English at seven o’clock every morning. I listen to the teacher carefully in class. After school, I write a diary with English words and sentences. I go to an English club at weekends. There are many American students in the club. I practise speaking English by talking with them there.【1】When did Lanlan start to learn English? ( )A. Three years ago. B. Two years ago. C. Six years ago.【2】Who teaches 已知:如图,四边形ABCD是平行四边形,DE//AC,交BC的延长线于点E,EF⊥AB于点F,求证:AD=CF。
英语 试题推荐