
Passage 3There are many useful inventions in the world. Have you ever wished to have an umbrella that makes your hands free? Alan Kaufman has thought up the “Nubrella”, which means “new”+ “umbrella”. It is the first truly hands-free umbrella in the world. The inventor says that it stops rain, wind and snow and can keep your head, face and hair dry.“I never planned to invent a product. I just noticed a problem and thought up a solution,” said the inventor. The idea for the invention began on one rainy day. Mr Kaufman was standing in one of his stores. He began to look at people含钙很神奇。(1)中老年人饮用加钙牛奶进行补钙,有利于防治的疾病是______。A.骨质疏松 B.贫血 C.厌食症(2)氧化钙可用作干燥剂,其原因是___(用化学方程式回答) A CaO+H2O=Ca(OH)2 【解析】(1)A.缺钙易导致骨质疏松;B.缺铁易导致贫血; C.缺锌易患厌食症;中老年人饮用加钙牛奶进行补钙,有利于防治的疾病是骨质疏松,故选A;(2)氧化钙可用作干燥剂,其原因是氧化钙易与水反应生成氢氧化钙,化学方程式为:CaO+H2O=Ca(OH)2。
英语 试题推荐