
阅读材料,完成下列要求。70年来,伟大的抗美援朝精神穿越时空,始终放射着璀璨的光辉,给中国人的内心世界送来光明,革命英雄主义精神是抗美援朝精神的精髓,具有震撼人心的硬核力量。自古以来,革命英雄主义就植根于中华民族的精神血脉,中华大地上“一时多少豪杰”。在抗美援朝战争中,更是涌现了数不胜数的英雄,昂扬起气壮山河的革命英雄主义精神,杨根思、黄继光、邱少云等30多万名英雄功臣和近6000个功臣集体,铸就了革命英雄    People like to celebrate when they move into a new home. Maybe it’s the first flat someone has owned,a couple’s first home since getting married or maybe a growing family has moved to a bigger house. For whatever reason,the home is new. It represents a change and an exciting new beginning,with walls to paint,rooms to decorate and neighbors to meet.And what better way to meet people than to throw a party?     Parties to celebrate moving into a new home are called "house一warming" or“flat一warming" parties. If you think about it,they,re appropriate names because an empty house with no people or furniture in it is a cold shell of a place. A house full of people,on the other hand,often requires some open windows or air conditioning to keep from getting too hot.     So what are house一warming parties like? Usually,the hosts invite their new neighbors as well as their friends. They usually provide some food and drinks and guests usually bring house一warming gifts. The gift might be something for the house,like a plant,or something for the guests to share,like a bottle of wine. There may be a dress code or theme. For example,if it is a“Hat Party",people will wear unusual or funny hats. This helps break the ice by making people laugh. This makes it easier to meet new people and creates a fun and cheerful atmosphere.     "There’s an old saying that“home is where the heart is".When people throw a house一warming party,they’re opening their hearts as well as their homes to the people around them. So if you’re ever invited by new neighbors to a house一warming,go!Then invite them to your home another time. Your home might already be warm,but new friends are the surest way to warm your heart. 1.Why would a family be described as“growing"?     A.Grandparents are moving in with the family.     B.The members of the family are growing taller.     C.A child or children are being born to that family.     D.The members of the family are putting on weight. 2.Why is the name“house一warming" appropriate according to the writer?     A.It’s the opposite of a house一cooling party.     B.A house or flat with people in it seems to be lively.     C.When people drink wine at these parties they get very warm.     D.At these parties there is always a fire that people sit around to warm themselves. 3.What does the underlined phrase“break the ice" mean in a social situation?     A .It means to get conversation flowing.     B.It means to make a hole in the ice through which to fish.     C.It means conversation is very difficult because people don’t know each other.     D.It means the atmosphere at a house一warming party is very cold and unfriendly. 4.Why does the writer suggest that you invite people to your home?     A.It can show your politeness to your neighbours.     B.Everyone should have a house一warming.     C.:Making new friends will make you happy.     D.Inviting them will warm up your cold house.
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