
清朝乾隆年间编撰的《四库全书》分经、史、子集四部分,内容包括文学作品、宗教、医学、哲学、天文、地理等。基本上囊括了中国古代所有图书,其中很大一部分作品被翻译成多国文字,流传于世界各地。这体现了A. 中华文化内容丰富,对世界文化的发展贡献更大B. 中华文化生生不息,具有历久弥新的品质C. 中华文化形式多样,具有鲜明而独特的风格D. 中华文化辉煌灿烂,其留存之丰为世界仅有阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,使其意思完整。 A. Did you stay calm during the earthquake? B. How did you realize the earthquake? C. Did the building fall? D. Can I ask you some questions about your experience? E. What were you doing when the earthquake happened? F. Were you frightened during the earthquake? G. Do you mind telling me about your experience? A: I hear you survived in the earthquake.1                            B: Of course not. A:2                            B: I was watching TV in the sitting room at home. A:3                          B: I felt everything in the room shaking. I knew what was happening at once. Then I rushed into the bedroom and woke up my parents. We tried our best to run out of the building. A:4                            B: Yes, it fell soon after we went out. A: 5                            B: No, we just forgot the fear.
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