
用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。【1】Thank you for your ________(help) suggestions.【2】As students, we should avoid ______ (be)late for school.【3】It's autumn now. The ______ (leaf) of the trees are turning yellow.【4】The new technology is __________ (wide) used in our daily life these days.【5】The beaches in winter are ________ (crowded) because it's cold. 答案:【答案】【1】 helpful 【2】 being 【3】 leaves 【4】 widely 【5】 uncrowded 【解析】【1】句意:谢谢你提出的这些有帮助的建议。介词 for 的宾语是名词 suggestions,your 和需要填的词都是修饰这个名词的,需要一个形容词作定语,help 的形容词形式是 helpful“有帮助的。”故答案填helpful【2】句意:作为学生,10、同一直线上的力F1和F2作用在同一物体上,其合力为F合,已知F1:F2=2:3,F1:F合=2:1.则F合的方向与F1的方向相反.
英语 试题推荐