
当今孔子学院遍布世界各地,儒家思想不仅对中国产生影响,更是对世界产生了深远影响。儒家学派的创始人是A. 老子B. 孔子C. 墨子D. 韩非子 答案:【答案】B【解析】本题考查孔子。根据所学知识,孔子是春秋晚期鲁国人,是我国古代伟大的思想家和政治家,是儒家学派的创始人。B项符合题意,ACD不符合题意,故选B。先阅读短文,再在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式。单词的第一个字母已给出。Henry is ten years old. He has a good classmate, Tom. Tom’s birthday is c1.. He says to Henry, “My birthday party is on Saturday e2.. Can you come to my party, Henry?”“S3., I am glad to!” answers Henry.Before Henry g4. to the party on Saturday afternoon, his mother says to him, “Now, Henry, don’t forget to be p5.. Don’t a6. for food until(直到) someone gives it to you.”“All right, mom,” Henry answers. And he buys a ping-pong bat for Tom as a birthday gift, because Tom’s f7.sport is ping-pong.At the party, Tom’s mother gives some food to Tom’s f8.. But she forgets to give Henry any. Poor Henry only p9. with his toys and doesn’t eat any food. Then he holds(举着) his plate(碟子) up and says, “Does anyone want a n10. and clean plate?”
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