
聚落的形成与环境关系密切。结合所学知识,完成下列各题【1】有利于聚落形成与发展的是( )①便利的交通②平坦的地形③高山、荒漠④气候湿热⑤水源充足A. ①②③ B. ①②⑤ C. ②③④ D. ③④⑤【2】反映寒冷环境特征的民居是( )A. B. C. D. 答案:【答案】【1】 B 【2】 A 【解析】【1】乡村民居有的集中,有的分散,大多依山傍水,沿河流、山麓或公路分布。有利于聚落形成的条件有:地形平坦、交通方便、土壤肥沃、经济发达、气候适宜、水源充足等,故选择答案B。【2】读图可得,①图所示的是冰屋,分布在北冰洋沿岸地区,该地区气候终正确的词形填空【小题1】December is the          (twelve) month of the year .【小题2】Sony is the ________ (thin ) boy in the class .【小题3】_________(luck), he was not badly hurt.【小题4】The little boy’s             (die) made everyone sad.【小题5】This is a _________(please) trip and we all enjoy ourselves.【小题6】The famous ___________ (invent) has invented many useful inventions all his life.【小题7】My grandpa is over 80 , but he is               (knowledge).【小题8】They have been to America ___________(one).【小题9】As a ____________(science) , Qian Xuesen worked hard.【小题10】Please keep the window ____   __(close) because the wind is blowing hard.
地理 试题推荐