
阅读理解The fried foods, salty snacks and meat are major foods of the Western diet, which account for about 30 percent of heart attack risk across the world. Meanwhile, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, the so called Prudent diet, can lower the risk of heart attack, according to a study.The research which looked at dietary habits in 52 countries, found people who ate a Western diet had a 35 percent greater risk of having a heart attack, compared to those who ate little or no fried foods and meat. Those who followed a Prudent diet had a 30 percent lower risk of heart attack, compared to(2012?沧州模拟)在探究植物光合作用,呼吸作用和蒸腾作用活动中,某同学设计以下探究方案,请你用所学知识进行分析.(1)如甲图,将植物罩上透明塑料袋,放在光下3-4小时,将塑料袋中气体通过①号试管收集后取出试管,将一支带火星的木条伸进①号试管内,结果木条复燃了,由此得出的结论是:①号试管内含较多的氧气氧气(气体).(2)如甲图,若将透明塑料袋换成黑色的,其目的是为了防止植物进行光合光合作用.上述(1)(2)实验中,分别用透明和黑色两种塑料袋是为了设置对照实验对照实验,该实验的变量是光光.(3)在实验过程中,塑料袋内壁出现水珠,是叶片进行蒸腾蒸腾作用散失的水分凝聚而成,这些水分是通过茎的木质部木质部中的导管自下往上运输来的.(4)如乙图,将植物罩上塑料袋,放在暗处3-4小时.将塑料袋中气体通入2号试管,结果发现澄清石灰水变浑浊.由此得出结论是:植物进行了呼吸呼吸作用,释放出二氧化碳二氧化碳(气体).
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