
阅读下面的文字,完成小题。背灵魂回家曾晓文(1)回家的路,总是漫长。(2)从多伦多出发,经过十三个多小时的航程,再搭乘两个小时的长途汽车,终于抵达中原的一座小城。走进家门,迎面撞见照片上风华正茂的父亲:浓黑的发是青春见证,鼻梁挺直正如他的个性,而他的眼神穿越岁月的雾霾风尘,明亮坦诚。照片下是他留给我的全部遗产:大约三千册书。它们立在质地不同的书架上,却拥有同样静默等候的姿态。(3)上一次回家是在一年多 Only Mother Love is true love.It gives everybody everything all his life. When you are a baby, Mother looks after you as well as possible. In your waking hours, she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you Day and night and forgets about herself. When you are growing up day by day, she feels very happy, When you are old enough to go to school, Mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. She always stands in the wind waiting for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels worried about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you do well at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she has to her children, not to receive. What true love it is in the world! We should remember Mother love forever! Answer the following questions according to what you read above. 1 What does Mother do when you are a baby? 2 What does Mother do when you are awake? 3 What does Mother do when you are ill? 4 Does Mother always look after you when you are old enough to go to school? 5 What will you see When you do well at school?
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