
It’s always awkward when you meet someone from a different country. You never know whether to shake hands, bow or even whether to kiss on the cheek. But what if you were a dog?If you are a dog owner, you must be familiar with how your dog says hello to you. Seconds after you arrive home, your dog jumps up on you. You come face to face with a tail-wagging, wildly excited ball of fur that can't get enough of you. If you're not happy with that, it will shower you with wet “kisses perhaps ruining your best shirt. Like humans, dogs have five senses: smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste.Unlike“十一”假日,爸爸驾车带小辉全家外出旅游,如果汽车以72km/h合________m/s的速度匀速行驶了2h,则汽车行驶了________km.
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