
3D printing is becoming more and more popular. We are now able to print things such as clothing, prosthetic limbs(假肢), musical instruments(乐器) and so on. People and businesses are able to create the things they need very quickly and easily using 3D printers. But can you imagine printing food? Some scientists are trying to revolutionize our eating experience by doing this. They hope that having a 3D printer in the kitchen will become as usual as the microwave or blender. Scientists say that they are easy to use: You simply have to choose a recipe and put the food “inks” into the pri宝玉、黛玉相见时,作者对黛玉的服饰只字未提,原因是A.为了行文简洁,突出人物形象特点。B.黛玉服饰平常,没有什么特别。C.在宝玉眼中,服饰是不屑之物,所以视而不见。D.宝玉是个懵懂顽童,不注意服饰细节。
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