
毛.泽东曾说中国实业界有四个人是不能忘记的,他们是“搞重工业的张之洞,搞化学工业的范旭东,摘交通运输的卢作孚和搞纺织工业的张謇。”下列关于卢作孚创办的民生公司的叙述,正确的是( )①第一条轮船名为“民生”轮 ②创办时以经营海洋航运为主③抗战期间承担了转运物资的重任④为抗战做出了巨大贡献和牺牲A. ①②③ B. ①③④ C. ①②④ D. ②③④9.1.Do the British really get together every afternoon at 4 p.m.to sit and drink several cups of tea?Ask any of my German students and they will tell you"YES!"I'm sorry to disappoint,but it's simply not true.We drink over 150 million cups of tea a day in Britain,but there is no special time for the nation's favorite drink.British people will drink tea all day whether morning,noon or night (my mother makes her first cup at 6 a.m.).There are reasons for the confusion surrounding"teatime",however."Tea"is widely used as a name for the evening meal.This is more common in Scotland and the north of England but you can hear it all over the country.Usually it is the main meal of the day,eaten between 5 p.m.and 7 p.m.So,"teatime"refers to the meal and not the drink.In the south,the evening meal is often called dinner,while dinner in the north is the midday meal.Confused?Many heated debates can happen between southerners and northerners about the right name.What about tea breaks?Surely this must be a special time for tea?Wrong again,I'm afraid.Tea breaks are simply an opportunity to have a rest from work for around 10 minutes.During this time you can drink whatever you like.Also a small snack,like biscuits,is usually eaten.The best time for a tea break is mid-morning around 11 a.m.or mid-afternoon around 3 p.m.But what about tea rooms?Can I drink tea there?Yes!A tea room is the perfect place to go with friends and family to enjoy tea,cakes,and sandwiches.This is known as afternoon tea and is usually served during special activities such as a birthday or engagement (订婚) party.Tea rooms are also very popular with tourists and are definitely worth a visit.Teatime,tea breaks,afternoon tea…how could you possibly get muddled up (混淆)? 1.What does"tea"mean in Scotland and the north of England?(不多于3个单词)The meal./The evening meal. 2.What is the aim of tea breaks?(不多于4个单词)To have a rest./To rest.3.What special activities can be held in tea rooms?(不多于5个单词)A birthday or engagement party./Birthday or engagement parties. 4.Why does the writer write this passage?(不多于7个单词)To clear up some misunderstandings./To explain teatime and some related terms..
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