
阅读理解 One day, a lion looks for his dinner in the forest. He finds a hare(野兔)eating grass over there near a river. He is just going to eat her when a fat deer(鹿)runs by. The lion thinks, “That deer is big. Why not have the deer first?” So he leaves the hare behind and runs after the deer. But the deer can run very fast and soon he runs away. The lion can't catch the deer. He thinks of the hare again. He says, “I must go back for the hare now.”He comes back, but finds nothing. The hare leaves. “I should eat the hare first. ” The lion is unhappy. “I want too m阅读《田园诗情》片断,完成习题。 极目远眺,碧绿如丝绒般的草原上,是一头头黑白两色的奶牛。有的牛背上盖着防潮的毛毡,正在低头吃草;有的站立不动,仿佛正在思考什么。牛犊跑前跑后,活像顽皮的孩子;老牛仪态端庄,好似牛群的家长。绿意盎然的村野乡间,是大片大片鲜艳的郁金香。【1】选文让我们感受到了__________(地方)如诗如画的风光。【2】联系上下文,理解下列词语。极目远眺:__________________________________________绿意盎然:______________________________________【3】画“______”的句子把牛犊比作了______________,把老牛比作了__________________。【4】仿照画“_______”的句子,写一个比喻句。
英语 试题推荐