
Growing up, I was an extremely reserved(腼腆的) boy. I didn't have many friends in primary and middle school and rarely opened up to anyone. I didn't even ask my teacher questions in class. I was scared of the world and the people around.As a child, I was scared to do anything without my parents mainly because I was afraid that I would do it badly. I was getting good grades and was well-behaved, but I wasn't happy. It was my belief that I was, for some reason, unable to do the things the others kids could do. I felt inadequate.While in my second semester of college, I ran into some informat血液的组成包括( )A. 血浆和血细胞 B. 血浆和白细胞C. 血细胞和血小板 D. 血浆和血红蛋白
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