
完形填空。Long, long ago, there was a king. His ____ was Henry. He liked ____ very much. He thought his pictures were good, so he liked to show ____ to people. Because people were afraid of him, they all said that his pictures were very ____. One day, he ____ his pictures to a famous painter(著名的画家). He wanted the painter to say ____ of these pictures. ____ the painter said his pictures were bad. Henry was very ____ with him and sent him to prison(监狱).The painter was free. Again Henry showed him some of his new pictures. The painter ____ the pictures and said, “Take me back根据要求完成后面问题。在我市创建全国文明城市过程中,学校开展了以“创建全国文明城市中学生在行动”为主题的综合性学习活动。 【小题1】学校“志愿者协会”准备组织一次志愿者活动,向大家征集活动建议。请思考在创建全国文明城市活动中“我们中学生可以做些什么”这一问题,从不同的方面提出四条建议,并用简明的语言分条表述出来。(4分)要求:所提出的每一条建议应与“中学生”、“创建全国文明城市”和“行动”三个要素相符。【小题2】在“创建全国文明城市中学生在行动”这一活动中,小明同学认为,现在九年级了,临近中考,投身到活动中有可能分散精力,影响备考。你觉得参加这一活动不仅不影响学习,还会让自己有多方面的收获。请写一段话,说服该同学,令其信服。(字数100 ~120字)(4分)
英语 试题推荐