
阅读理解。 Today is Sunday. It’s seven thirty in the morning. It’s fine. Kate and her parents are going to the Great Wall. Kate’s father is a doctor. Her mother is a teacher. Now they’re getting on a big bus. There are twenty-two people in it. Some are English, and some are American and Japanese. They look very happy. They’re going to the Great Wall, too.There are four Chinese on the bus. A young woman, she’s a driver. A young man, he’s a guide(导游). My father and I are going to the Great wall, too. 判断,与短文相符的用“√”表示,与短文不相符的用“CuI是一种不溶于水的白色固体,它可以由反应:2Cu2++4I-=2CuI↓+I2而得到。现以石墨为阴极,以Cu为阳极电解KI溶液,通电前向电解液中加入少量酚酞和淀粉溶液。电解开始不久,阴极区溶液呈红色,而阳极区溶液呈蓝色,同时有白色沉淀生成。下列说法中正确的是A.对阳极区溶液呈蓝色的正确解释是:2I--2e-=I2,碘遇淀粉变蓝B.对阳极区溶液呈蓝色的正确解释是:Cu-2e-=Cu2+,Cu2+显蓝色C.阴极区溶液呈红色的原因是:2H++2e-=H2↑,使阴极附近OH-浓度增大,溶液显碱性,从而使酚酞变红D.阴极上的电极反应式为:Cu2++2e-=Cu
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