
阅读下面这首宋诗,完成小题。清明二首(其二)杜甫此身飘泊苦西东,右臂偏枯①半耳聋。寂寂系舟双下泪,悠悠伏枕左书空②。十年蹴鞠③将雏远,万里秋千习俗同。旅雁上云归紫塞④,家人钻火用青枫。秦城楼阁烟花里,汉主⑤山河锦锈中。春水春来洞庭阔,白苹愁杀白头翁。注:①偏枯:麻痹。②左书空:用左手在空中写字。③蹴鞠:踢球。④紫塞:泛指北方。⑤汉主:指唐皇。【1】下列对本诗的理解与赏析,不正确的两项是A. 第二联近承首联完形填空   Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction (幼想小说). Hundreds of 1 are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. 2 , some of the most successful films of recent years have been 3 on science fiction stories.   It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new 4 in literature (文学), 5 its ancestors (祖先) can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books often 6 the presentation of some form of ideal (理想的) 7 , a theme which is 8 often found in modern stories.   Most of the classics (名著) of science fiction, 9 , have been written within the last one hundred years. Books 10 writers, such as Jules Verne and H. G. Wells, to 11 just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages. 12 science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars of space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting (预见) the effect of 13 progress 14 society and the human mind, or in 15 future worlds which are a 16 of the world, 17 we live in now. 18 of this their writing has obvious political undertones (含意). In an age when scientific fact frequently 19 science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep 20 of scientific advances. 1. [  ] A.stylesB.titles C.subjectsD.topics 2. [  ] A.FurthermoreB.Otherwise C.AnywayD.Clearly 3. [  ] A.madeB.depended C.basedD.focused 4. [  ] A.progressB.result C.productD.development 5. [  ] A.asB.when C.butD.if 6. [  ] A.looked forB.caned for C.asked forD.called for 7. [  ] A.societyB.idea C.futureD.end 8. [  ] A.yetB.still C.evenD.already 9. [  ] A.besidesB.therefore C.howeverD.moreover 10. [  ] A.byB.on C.aboutD.for 11. [  ] A.introduceB.mention C.tellD.remind 12. [  ] A.AncientB.Former C.PastD.Modern 13. [  ] A.socialB.literary (文学的) C.economicD.technical 14. [  ] A.ofB.on C.inD.from 15. [  ] A.recognizingB.imagining C.rememberingD.changing 16. [  ] A.reflectionB.revolution C.repetitionD.relation 17. [  ] A.whereB.which C.thereD.that 18. [  ] A.DespiteB.Instead C.BecauseD.At present 19. [  ] A.passes on toB.gets close to C.catches up withD.breaks away from 20. [  ] A.recordsB.out C.aheadD.back
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