
生物体内能量代谢中ATP的合成和利用过程如图所示。以下说法正确的是A. 动植物都在不断地进行呼吸作用,从而为①过程不断提供能量B. ①过程和②过程的进行是不断在进行的,因此二者构成可逆反应C. c表示吸收的能量,包括光能、热能、机械能、化学能等D. d表示释放的能量,说明ATP的水解往往与放能反应相联系how tong,catch a cold,fast food,take one’s temperature,take the medicine1.After______three times a day after meals,I felt much better.2.Don’t eat too much_________every day.It’s bad for our health.3.--________can I watch TV today,Mum?--You can watch CCTV News for only half an hour.4.--Have you________,Tom?--Yes,it is already 39。C.I must see the doctor at once.5.Today it’s very cold.Put on some warm clothes or you’ll________.
生物 试题推荐