
A: Amy, these two children are quite cute and lively. 【1】? B: They are Chinese clay art.A: 【2】? B: They are made of clay.A: 【3】? B: I made them together in a museum last week.A: You’re great. 【4】? B: The pieces are carefully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry. After drying, they are fired a very high heat.A: 【5】? B: They are from a Chinese fairy tale. They are very interesting.阅读下面诗歌的前两节,之后仿照这两节的形式,再续写两节。给我一粒种子我为一颗颗荒芜的心灵插上新绿给我一缕阳光我用爱去点燃跳动的田野让星火传递星火让夏日的野藤蔓爬满一个个光秃的山头答:_________________________________________
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