
The Arizona desert is really dry. Anyone stuck in it without water would die from dehydration(脱水)within three days. Unless, that is, they had one of Omar Yaghi’s next-generation water harvesters. Although daytime humidity(湿度)is only about 10 per cent, this rises to 40 per cent at night, which means there’s enough water in the atmosphere to support life — if it can be changed into liquid form.That’s exactly what Yaghi’s device does. It’s a box about the size of a small microwave oven designed to suck the humidity from the air at night and turn it into drinking water 启蒙运动使人们的思想再次得到解放,它兴起的根本原因是(  ) A.文艺复兴运动促进了人们的思想解放 B.欧洲资本主义经济的进一步发展 C.欧洲资产阶级力量的进一步发展壮大 D.封建专制统治的腐朽
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