
听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【1】Why does the author write to the magazine?A.To describe her dream doll.B.To find the book “A Little Princess”.C.To get in touch with the Japanese woman.【2】Where does the Japanese woman live?A.In Japan. B.In England. C.In America.【3】Who is Rosa?A.The name of the doll. B.The Japanese woman. C.The name of the speaker.【4】What seemed to be the main reason the author was attracted to the dolls?A.Their beauty. B.Their price. C.Their helplessness.运用所学知识,分析回答ATP与ADP循环中的有关问题.ADP+Pi+(b)(a)A-P~P~P(1)反应式中的A代表 ,~代表 .(2)反应式中的a代表 ,功能是 ,b代表 .(3)该反应在活细胞中永无休止地进行着,必然伴随着能量的 和 .(4)ATP的功能是 ,在植物细胞中,使ADP合成ATP所需要的能量可来自 和 两条途径.(5)反应式中 的变化是可逆的, 的变化是不可逆的.
英语 试题推荐