
下列大河与沿岸人们所信仰的宗教对应错误的是( )A. 亚马孙河基督教 B. 密西西比河基督教C. 尼罗河伊斯兰教 D. 莱茵河伊斯兰教 答案:【答案】D【解析】亚马孙河沿岸人们信仰基督教为主,密西西比河沿岸人们也信仰基督教,尼罗河沿岸人们信仰伊斯兰教为主,莱茵河沿岸人们信仰基督教,故选D。 阅读表达,阅读下面的短文,并根据文章后的要求答题。(请注意问题后的词数要求)   These days, it can be difficult to find time for even the smallest of tasks.People aye constantly on the go, and that stressfullifestyle can lead to a11 sorts of problems, medical and otherwise.Instead of living each day in chaos, follow these steps to manage your time and feel your best.   Make the most ofit.   Try to kill two birds with one stone as often as possible.For example.if you have to take a day off from work to receive a delivery at home, schedule the appointment with the refrigerator repairman that you've been putting off.The more you can check off your to-do list at once, ________.   Just say no.   Don't try to please everyone by accepting every invitation for dinner or drinks.Politely decline requests for your time if they interfere with precious family time or a work project you must finish.It will feel even better to reward yourself after you've completed several tasks.   Eat early or late.   Instead of taking lunch at the usual noon hour, grab a bite an hour eadier or an hour later.Then, you'll be able to get work done when the office is least crowded.   Review your calendar.   At the end of every month.take a look at the calendar.Note when you fell behind schedule and what days went smoothly.Then decide how many activities, meetings, and appointments you are realistically able to manage.   Have self-awareness.   Determine when you are at your best and brightest each clay.Schedule your most difficult tasks for those times, to ensure you will be alert and awake for your toughest challenges. 1.What's the passage mainly about?(no more than 10 words) 2.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 3 words) 3.Suppose one of your friends invites you to dinner.but you have to finish your work.What does the writer advise you to do?(no more than 5 words) 4.What's the meaning of the underlined phrase in paragraph 47(no more than 5 words) 5.How can you manage your most difficult tasks effectively according to the passage?(no more than 15 words)
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