
程序填空,输入成绩(0—100),输出该成绩对应的等级,90分及以上为“A”,80分及以上为“8”,70分及以上为“C”等,60分及以上为“Di”等,60分及以下为“E”等。(输入分数时不考虑0一100之外的任何数据)Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As Integerx=Val(Text 1.Text)Select Case Case Is>=90 Text2.Text=“A” Case Is>=80 Text2.Text=“B” Case Is Text2.Text=“C” Case Is>=60 Text2. Text=“D” Case Else End SelectEnd SubI don’t like summer, because it is______ hot and we have to do       ______homework.             A. too much; too much                  B. much too; much too             C. much too, too much                 D. too much, much too
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