
中国共.产.党领导新民主主义革命走向胜利的征途中,在各地留下光辉的足迹(右图)。“足迹”与史实对应正确的是( ) A . ①——南昌——成立中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府 B . ②——西柏坡——确立了中共的第一代中央领导集体 C . ③——延安——全国敌后抗日根据地的指挥中枢 D . ④——北京——中国共.产.党召开了七届二中全会补全对话   A:Excuse me,could you do something for me,please?   B:l ndline   A:Well,you know I'm going to England for a holiday.But I can't take Polly with us.2 ndline   B:With pleasure!3 ndline   A:I've written it all down on this list.   B:Good.Don't worry.4 ndline   A:5 ndline   A.Yes.I'm sure.   B.Could you look after her for me?   C.Certainly!What would you like me to do?   D.Of course!He's from America.   E.Thanks a lot.   F.What do I have to do?   G.I'll take good care of her.
社会法治 试题推荐