
根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其适当形式填空 thisdoggirltheyparentmotheruncleboyChinaphotosisterhe Hi! I'm Lucy. I'm an English . This is a photo of my family. My family is not small (小的). are my grandparents. Those are my . My father is Eric. My is Sonia. This is my , Peter. That is my aunt, Linda. are not in the UK. They're in. The girl in yellow is my , Alice. Oh, I'm not in this . But my is in this photo. What's its name? Haha, it's Joe.下面为黄河干流泥沙沿途的变化示意图,读下图,回答下列各题。【1】从图中各水文站的含沙量数据可知,含沙量增加最大的河段是( )A. 源头一兰州 B. 兰州一河口 C. 河口一陕县 D. 陕县一入海口【2】该河段含沙量剧增的主要原因是( )A. 流经黄土高原,水土流失严重 B. 气候干旱,土地荒漠化严重C. 工业发展快,土壤污染严重 D. 建设用地增多,耕地面积减少
英语 试题推荐