
阅读理解ACome in, please. It's my room. I'm sorry it's not tidy. You cannot find a TV or a computer in my room. But you can see a lot of books. I like reading (阅读). Look at my bed. My blue jacket and my yellow schoolbag are on it.Look there! A photo of my family is on the desk. My parents, my two brothers and I are in the photo. What's that under the desk? Oh, it's a model plane.根据短文内容,判断句子正误。 (1) My room is tidy. (2) You can see a computer in my room. (3) The color of my jacket is blue. (4) You can see five peo读青藏地区图,回答下列问题。(1)青藏地区因地势高耸而成为一个独特地区,平均海拔在 米以上,有“ ”之称。图中阴影部分是我国重要江河的源地 ,它是我国重要的生态保护区,其中河流C是 。为了保护三江源地区的生态环境,采取的措施中不正确的是( )A.休牧育草 B.大力毁林开荒种田C.退耕还林还草 D.全面禁猎、禁采砂金(2)青藏地区是我国的高寒牧区,代表畜种有 。(3)河谷农业区:① ,② ,该农业区种植的主要粮食作物是 ,当地农产品品质较好的原因是 。(4)如图藏族人穿的藏袍可以适应当地( )A.冬冷夏热的特点 B.雪山连绵的特点C.昼夜温差大的特点 D.游牧生活的特点
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