
地球自转的方向、周期是() A . 自西向东,一天 B . 自西向东,一年 C . 自东向西,一天 D . 自东向西,一年 答案:A根据下列句子的意思,用所给汉语或英语完成句子。【1】I don’t know the________(陌生人). Can you tell me who he is?【2】The mother knew______(确切地) what her children would do if she left them at home.【3】We often wear ______(手套)to protect our hands in winter.【4】Food, clothing and shelter are all______(基本的) necessities of life.【5】To be honest, I ______(regret) arguing with my mother. So I said sorry to her.【6】I hope to have a pet dog that will filled my life lots of______(please).【7】Marry has many difficulties in learning English. Who can give her some______(suggest)?【8】I’m allowed_______(watch) TV on Saturday evening.【9】In Switzerland, people never visit a friend’s house without_______(call) first.
地理 试题推荐