
阅读下面两首宋词,回答问题。减字木兰花王安国画桥流水,雨湿落红飞不起。月破黄昏,帘里余香马上闻。徘徊不语,今夜梦魂何处去?不似垂杨,犹解飞花入洞房①。减字木兰花蒋氏女②朝云横度,辘辘车声如水去。白草黄沙,月照孤村三两家。飞鸿过也,万结愁肠无昼夜。渐近燕山,回首乡关归路难。注:①洞房:幽深的居室。②蒋氏女,蒋兴祖之女。靖康年间金兵南侵时,蒋兴祖奋勇抵抗,壮烈殉国。其女为金贼掳去,途中题字于雄州驿。 阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。        These days, experiences, like many other things, are becoming   increasingly expensive. One has got to pay a lot for them, even an   ordinary one.        Not long ago, I wanted to invite my friends to lunch. What we   really need was a good and quiet place so that we could talk, not a   big meal. So I selected one club. I belong to that club, too. What   could be nicer? "Let's go to the club." I told my friend.        When I ordered a day in advance, I was asked whether I would have   a 20 yuan or 30 yuan luch. I said, "30 yuan." I didn't realize until   I was asked to pay after the lunch, that 30 yuan was for each person.        There were five people that day, and all of us were surprised by   the quality of the 30 yuan meal (for all, we thought). The bill came   at last: it was 216.40 [150 for the five of us plus the money for   drinks, fruits and air conditioning (空调)], I paid the bill without   a word.   What could I say? It was not the club's fault (过失). It was my   own ignorance (无知) that made me pay the largest bill in my life.        On the whole, it was not so bad; we had good lunch and at a quiet place. Besides, this experience will help in later years.    To support my idea, I have developed my own calculation (算法). 30   yuan for the lunch and 186.40 for the experience.       (1) Many things are becoming ______. [  ] A. less experience   B. are not so experience as before C. as expensive as before   D. more expensive (2) I ordered a lunch ________. [  ] A. the other day   B. so as to have a good feed C. so that we could have a grand party D. to introduce my friends to the members of my club (3) I thought that I had ordered a meal that cost _____. [  ] A. me 20 yuan     B. me 30 yuan C. us 20 yuan each  D. us 30 yuan each (4) What do you think makes me pay the largest lunch bill in my life? [  ] A. My fault.     B. My mistake. C. The club's trick. D. The club's mistake. (5) "This experience has made me ten times wiser" expressed ______. [  ] A. my thanks to the club   B. my pleasure to be ten times wiser C. my honesty   D. my anger
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