
阅读理解Brooke wanted a dollhouseand some sugar cookies. So the 6-year-old girl asked Alexa to get them. Alexa wasn'ther mom or babysitter. It was a voice — activated home assistant powered by AI (人工智能). And it made Brooke's wishes come true. A few days later, much to herparents' surprise, a $170 dollhouse and four pounds of cookies showed up. They atethe cookies and gave away the dollhouse to a local hospital. And that's not theend of the story. When a news reporter told the story of what happened on TV, Alexadevices (设备) in many listeners' homes woke up and triedto order do14.“当前党和人民的主要任务是集中力量发展社会生产力,实现国家工业化,逐步满足人民日益增长的物质和文化需要。”提出这一重要论述的会议是(  )A.中共一大B.中共八大C.中共十二大D.中共十三大
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