
“苏、湖熟,天下足”,该区域是我国著名“鱼米之乡”。下列的地理条件中,与该区域成为“鱼米之乡”有关的是 () ①植被以温带落叶阔叶林为主②气候高温多雨 ③河湖众多、水田广布 ④土壤以黑土为主 A . ①与② B . ②与③ C . ③与④ D . ①与④ 答案:B 从方框中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。 A. What was John doing?B. I was studying in the library. C. I called the fire department.D. No, but Meimei did. E. Where were you, Dong? Dong: Alice, what were you doing when the fire started? Alice: 1.             Dong: Did you smell smoke? Alice: 2.            Dong: Where was she? Alice: She was playing in the gym. Dong: 3.            Alice: He was eating lunch in the cafeteria. 4.            Dong: When the fire started, I was talking on the telephone.Alice: What did you do? Dong: 5.            Alice: Good for you!
地理 试题推荐