
信息科代表楠楠想给美丽的信息老师写一段心里话,又怕被人发现,于是想了一个两全其美的方法。楠楠有两张n*n大小的纸,一张是透明的,一张是有字的。楠楠在透明的纸上涂黑了一些格子,然后把两张纸一起给信息老师,并告诉老师阅读方法:首先把透明的纸盖在另一张纸上,然后把露出来的字母从上到下从左到右写下来并将每个字母向左循环移一位(如取出是D,则左移为C),然后将透明的纸顺时针旋转90度,再读一遍,这样子一共读四遍,就得到补全对话,选择正确的选项填到横线上Tony: We get an invitation to dinner tomorrow. 1.________Lucy: It’s unnecessary to bring anything.Tony: Really? But we can’t go empty-handed.Lucy: If you really want to bring something, 2.____ We can bring some toys for kids. Tony: But I’m not sure whether they will like them.Lucy: 3.____ I usually bring flowers when it’s hard to choose a present. Tony: 4.______Will you help me to choose some flowers?Lucy: 5._____________A: I don’t know what to do.B: I hope so.C: What should we bring?D: it should be a small and inexpensive thing.E: Sure. Let’s go. F: Or maybe just some flowers.G: That sounds like a good idea. 
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