
“它的规模从表面上看,远不如长城宏大,却注定要稳稳当当地造福千年。”由于它的修建,成都平原成为富饶的“天府之国”,“它是指我国古代的哪一项水利工程?() A . 都江堰 B . 郑国渠 C . 灵渠 D . 大运河 答案:A任务型阅读Prevent Bullying(欺凌)On Thursday, the Ministry of Education (教育部) asked schools across China to make the efforts to prevent bullying in schools after a 7-year-old girl in Henan province was bullied by three classmates.Liu Yugang, director of the Mnistry’s department of basic education, said preventing school bullying has always been one of the most important tasks and the situation has improved in recent years.However, school bullying still happens once in a while. The girl, a second-grade student at Dajian primary school, was held down by two boys while another boy put small pieces of paper into her eyes on Sep.28.The girl visited several hospitals from Sep.30 to Oct .25.The doctors said that it was not clear how many pieces of paper were put into her eyes.In order to prevent school bullying, strict school rules should be made. Also, parents should play their part in teaching their kids not to bully others, Liu said. Kids learn from adults’ actions. By treating others with kindness and respects, adults show the kids in their lives that there is no place for bullying, Liu added. Even if it seems like they are not paying attention, kids are watching how adults manage stress and conflicts, as well as how they treat their friends, workmates and families.1.Has preventing school bullying improved in recent years?________________________________________________________2.How many boys took part in the school bullying on Sept .28?________________________________________________________3.According to Liu,how can parents do to prevent school bullying?________________________________________________________4.What should you do to prevent school bullying?Please list two suggestions.________________________________________________________
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