
14.2014年初,部分西非国家爆发严重的埃博拉疫情,国际社会伸出援助之手。截至2014年底,中国向埃博拉疫区提供了价值约7.5亿元人民币的援助。派出1000多人次的传染病专家和医护人员参加疫情防控和救治工作。积极帮助疫区国家开展防疫工作( )①显示中国具有防控全球公共卫生危机的实力②表明国际援助是构建国际新秩序的有效途径③体现了中国与非洲国家之间深厚的传统友谊④表明中国积极承担与其国际地位相适应的国际责任 A . ①② B . 34、根据对话内容,完成对话中所缺单词,每空填一词。 A: Do you live far from here? B: Yes. I have to 1              about an hour 2         back from school every Sunday evening and I wouldn’t take a bus. The bus is often quite crowded. A: Quite a few have said so. I think you should try to get a bike. It saves 3     time and money. B: That’s a bright idea. It’ll take less time to 4              a bike from my house. A: It’s also a good exercise. Don’t you say so? B: Yes, I 5              with you. Thank you for your advice. 评卷人 得分 八、书面表达 (每空? 分,共? 分)
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