
完形填空 Carlos liked to play baseball. Every dayafter school he played with his little sister, Selena. One day, the coach (教练) of the school 1 team saw Carlos play and asked him if he'd'like to join the school team. I'm2 in this school. I don't know the kids here,said Carlos. Playingsports can help you make new 3, said the coach. Iwill 4 the team! said Carlos. Soonthe team would have a 5.Carlos wore his baseball glove to bed the night before his first game. When he 6 he found the glove was still on his hand. AfterCarlos got to school, a girl named Becky gave him a card. It was Becky's有学者指出:如果说文艺复兴为人本主义者们“清理了场地”,那么启蒙运动则是“大兴土木”。这里的“大兴土木”主要是指( )A.摧毁蒙昧和专制,提倡以人为本B.推进城市化,建设工业文明国家 C.挑战权威,弘扬理性和科学思想 D.提倡理性,创立民主法治社会
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