
为探究电池浸泡液对辣椒种子萌发的影响,某实验小组设计并完成如下实验:第一步:剥皮处理A品牌、B品牌和C品牌的2号电池各2个,分别用等量的自来水 浸泡48小时,获得A品牌、B品牌和C品牌的电池浸泡液各1组。第二步:在辣椒种子中挑选出无虫咬、饱满且大小一致的种子400粒,将其随机分为4组,每组100粒。第三步:4个同规格培养皿上均放置相同的毛巾片,分别加入适量等体积的上述3组品牌电池浸泡液和自来水,4组种子分别整齐排列在毛巾片上 用词组的适当形式填空。 Believe it or not     be based on/ upon      such as      play a special role in      because of in some ways      be different from      make good use of      at present      come up 1. Banks _________________ in the economy (经济). 2. What he said __________________ what he did. 3. His thought _________________ practice. 4. We must _________________ every minute to study.5. ___________________, John cheated in the exam. 6. All of this is __________________ you. 7. _________________, he is on holiday. 8. I'd like to _________________ to your apartment. 9. Children like sweet foods ___________________ chocolate. 10. As you see, we look the same ____________________.
生物 试题推荐